Monday, February 25, 2013

Welcome to My Umbrella Project

A little over twenty years ago I began my career in the world of banking. I can't complain too much about that world. It has provided for my family and taught me many lessons. But something happened during that first year of employment that stuck with me.

Our building held a charity drive. All departments sent their employees to the meetings in shifts. All night I saw my co-workers returning to their desks with nice T-shirts, cool coffee mugs, and huge colorful golf umbrellas. Everything looked nice, but I wanted an umbrella.

Finally, my name was called for the last group of the night. I walked into the room, interacted nicely during the presentation, signed up to donate a portion of my meager paycheck, then walked to the back of the room to receive my prize.

Umbrella? No. Mug? No. A plastic Frisbee. Not even a really nice Frisbee. Plain blue with a faded white logo plastered across the top.

Not happy.

During my first annual review with my boss I was asked if I had any career plans. I responded that I wanted to work for the bank for twenty years and receive an umbrella. He laughed. It wasn't too much to ask.

I've reached my twenty year anniversary. During that time I've received key chains, note pads, and foam toys. I've also received cash awards, trips across the country, and a really nice food processor.

When the statement was first made I thought the umbrella part was a slam dunk, the years of service would be the part unlikely to materialize. But here I am, a few mergers, multiple departments and jobs later, still at the same bank, still no company provided umbrella.

I no longer want an umbrella from my employer. I want to earn my own.

I love to write and do it for the pure joy of watching characters and stories come to life. I love having the vague idea of a scene bounce around in my head, no real clue as to how it should unfold, then see it play out as the pages fill with words.

This is now my umbrella.

My new goal is to create stories that hopefully inspire and ring true. Stories to be enjoyed.

And one day, hopefully in fewer than twenty years, they will help me earn my own umbrella.

C.L. Blanton

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