Tuesday, March 19, 2013

March is a Special Month


It contains my birthday. Is there really any other reason needed?

Not enough? Okay.

How about the start of a certain basketball tournament with maddening rules restricting my ability to call it anything other than "The Tourney who shall not be named." (Am I going to be in trouble for writing that?)

How about the start of Spring Training? (I'm allowed to use that name, right?)

How about it holds the birthdays of my Grandmother and Grandfather who raised me?

How about it was my Grandfather who first got me interested in reading for reasons other than school assignments?

How about it's the month I've targeted for my first book release?

March will mark the publication of Absolution's Curse in honor of my Grandmother and Grandfather and the sacrifices they made.

March is and will always be a truly special month for reasons far deeper than just my birthday.

So, if you'll excuse me, I'll get back to formatting and tweaking the pages into publishable form.

Oh, and I'll be watching that round ball tournament thingy too. And go Braves.

C.L. Blanton

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