Friday, April 5, 2013

Absolution's Curse

Okay, time to start getting serious about this book thing. My goal for the last month has been to learn about social media by playing with this blog and my brand spanking new twitter account. So far I'd consider this a success (as long as success is defined as no lawsuits, overly harsh replies, or mass exodus of those uninformed enough to follow me).

I also have no idea if anyone is actually reading my posts/tweets, but that's beside the point.

Today I'd like to share what Absolution's Curse is about and why this story has pushed me into the world of writing.

The Setting

St. Louis of 1849 was in the eye of a slowly building storm fueled by a multiple year cholera epidemic and an expanding population of fortune seekers. It only took one spark in the middle of the night to light a tragedy.

The city of St. Louis was originally intended to serve as background noise while the main story played out. If that's the case then why would I lead this post with something as unimportant as the location?

Research into events of the time uncovered incredible tales of danger, loss, and bravery. The story I started with blind understanding wrapped itself around these events, drawing in meaning and purpose where I never expected.

St. Louis became more than a location, it's as central a character as any real or fictional person passing through the pages. It's my hope and prayer that this story honors those heroes who gave their lives in defense of this city.

The Main Character

Decades of scams litter Frank's past, but an impromptu return home brings a chance to start an honest life, setting into motion an adventure with stakes no ex-riverboat gambler should accept.

The son of a con man, Frank follows his late father's footsteps, ignoring childhood instructions to lead an honorable life. Time has finally arrived to put old debts to rest, but when the bodies of those he pledged to protect lay at his feet and a mysterious Indian elder uses his final breath to pass on an ancient burden, all hope for honor is ruined.

Images from the past haunt his dreams and an odd blue light, the portal to a strange land, follows his journey. Time passes but his reflection in the mirror doesn't change. Only a clean soul can end the curse but absolution is hard to find when best intentions continue to leave blood on his hands. Frank is faced with the prospect of carrying his sins into a new century, unaged and unforgiven.

The Meaning

God's forgiveness is there for the asking, but finding the strength to forgive yourself can take a lifetime.

Thank you for taking the time to read about my story. Feel free to post a comment so I'll know you made it all the way through (a sign of success for both of us).

C.L. Blanton

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