Monday, April 8, 2013

Fear and Writing in North Carolina

Granted, that title is not as powerful as "Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas" but this is a free blog and ya get what ya pay for.

I was asked recently to explain My Umbrella Project. I must admit, I stared at my keyboard for a while and answered with what probably sounded like a weak, veiled attempt at the truth. I found that while I had an overall idea of what I wanted it to mean, it was hard to put into words, especially in 140 characters or less.

First I'd like to say what it's not.
Is it a charity?  No.
Is it an endeavor to create a better world?  No.
One day, in a wonderful universe where my little novel breaks into a best seller list, I would love to have it morph into something worthwhile to more than just myself, but that's a dream.

So what is My Umbrella Project?
That's where the Fear and Writing part kicks in. I'll leave the details of how the name was created to my first post but basically it acts as an irreverent motivation.

I've been writing for years but only a small handful of family outside my house had any idea about my hobby. This step, to open the doors and expose myself to the world, has turned out to be every bit as daunting as I expected. I try to use humor to dispel the anxiety but I'm forever worrying about what I've done or what I should do next.

To those who have pushed through this wall, who greet the physical and online worlds with poise and gusto, I sincerely applaud you.

To anyone else who struggles with self-confidence, who has a voice but isn't sure they have the strength to share it; I float down that same river, consistently wondering if my oar is good enough to dip into the rushing water.

I call this a project (both the CLBlantonProject and My Umbrella Project) because it's a work in process to develop a writer. I've closed both eyes and jumped into the water. I'll float or sink, but either way I pushed myself out of the relative comfort of the boat.

The overall theme of this blog is still developing but I hope to share the ups and downs of this journey. I'll be as honest with you as possible. Maybe this project will act only as my therapist. Maybe it can encourage others. There are no other grand agendas than to step timidly into the world and live.

C.L. Blanton

On a very personal note, RIP Sue. I wish we had worked together longer.
May your body become whole again and your soul always reside in the Keys.
Keep throwing cherry tomatoes at me from heaven, maybe one day you won't miss.

1 comment:

  1. Welcome to the journey! I am also a beginning writer and seeking to expand my social media presence. I write (so far) urban fantasy novels and have finished the first stages of two separate books. I look forward to following you on your adventures and hope that maybe you'll follow me!

    Jason P. Crawford
