Sunday, December 1, 2013

Onward and Upward

It's been over a month since my last post. What started as a weekly exercise has fallen into a bit of disarray (similar to my plans for physical exercise). During these past few days of contemplating what I'm most thankful for, my thoughts returned to "My Umbrella Project."

It's not like I haven't tried to come up with words to say during my silent period. I've started typing many times only to end it all with 'delete'. Those attempts line the recycle bin of my netbook.

What is it I want to say? Why does "thankful" make me come here?

For one thing, I definitely don't want to leave my last post as a farewell to thee. I haven't re-read the post and I don't intend to, but it probably came off sounding down and depressed. If so, it hit the mark pretty well.

But that's not what this site is supposed to be about. It's part therapy session but it's also a place to celebrate new steps, new goals, new ideas.

So where's a good place to go to rekindle those feelings, to remember why I feel thankful for an obsession that usually weighs me down with feelings of inadequacy.

I go to the beginning.

Welcome to My Umbrella Project

The short story on that page is why I write.

"I love to write and do it for the pure joy of watching characters and stories come to life. I love having the vague idea of a scene bounce around in my head, no real clue as to how it should unfold, then see it play out as the pages fill with words."

That's what I'm thankful for.

Somewhere along this journey I took a wrong turn. At some point I let myself think getting noticed for what I've created meant more than creating. That the worth of writing is based on attention, not intention.

It's time  to move back to my original mission statement.

"... to create stories that hopefully inspire and ring true. Stories to be enjoyed."

As the turkey wears off and football games wind down, I slide back in front of my keyboard and write...

... because I have a story to tell.

C.L. Blanton
(TTV approved)

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