Friday, May 3, 2013

If You Build It, They Will Follow (maybe)

I'm writing this post at work between meetings so it may seem a little disjointed. This week's subject is "Building a Platform."

No, this isn't a DIY about refurbishing a deck, although I do have a few rails that lean.

Oh look, Red Cross is in the hallway soliciting for a blood drive. I'd like to sign up but don't have time.

Where was I? Okay, this also isn't a how-to step-by-step guide on building a successful social presence. Look at my twitter and blog stats. I'm in no position to tell anyone how-to but you may be able to watch me then point and giggle at things not-to-do.

Oh look, co-workers are lined up outside the cafeteria entrance to collect food and clothes for those less fortunate. I'd like to stop and make a donation but I'm in a hurry.

Sorry, back to my subject. I've given quite a bit of thought to what I should do next. How do I build my followers to 10K and beyond? How do I spit out 20, 30, 50+ tweets a day. How do I get fully involved in as many platforms as possible?

Running from meeting to meeting, passing worthy causes for no other reason than I have pressing matters made me realize something relating to my frustrations in building a social stage.

Everyone has priorities. Everyone's timelines are flooded with information on an ever increasing basis. People, organizations, and groups, all worthy of attention on their own, must compete for eye space.

I may use twitter, or Goodreads, or this blog to jump up and down and yell, "Look at me. I have a book out." I may even throw in a polite, "Please visit my book page on Amazon."

The reality is, my posts flounder for attention in a sea filled with far greater distractions. (Get that? Flounder? Sea?  **lowers head in shame** Sorry.)

I've come to a simple truth.

When I started writing, I did so with the intention of making myself happy, not to grab the attention of the glaring throngs. (Had to double check to make sure I didn't type "glaring thongs." That would just be disturbing.)

 If one or ten or ten thousand others wanted to read my story, that would be great. If no one joined me, that'd be fine too. I write because I have a story inside that wants out.

I must look at social media the same way. There are an endless number of blogs and websites offering advice and help (sometimes for a fee) on how to expand your presence. They offer tips and tools on how to get YOUR MESSAGE in front of as many eyes as possible.

I've spent the last few weeks stressing about followers, worried that I may have violated one of those what-no-to-do rules.

What have I learned?

I have to do this for me in a way that's true to me. I'll use humor. I'll share. I'll grow slowly or maybe not at all. I'll slow down. Give more. Expect less. I'll take a breath. Return to the reason I typed out that first sentence years ago.

Everyone has their own goals. I needed a reminder of mine.

For all who actually read and follow, thank you. I'll keep writing and blogging and tweeting because it's fun. Twitter gives me a chance to fire off some random thoughts that otherwise would have only made me wonder about my sanity. This blog gives me a home base to sort out these unfamiliar voices clamoring for attention inside my head.

So if I still want to focus on "Building a Platform", maybe I'd be better off signing up for blood drives, donating a few cans of food, or just pushing away from the keyboard and pulling a hammer out of the garage. That rail really needs some work.

Lance (C.L. Blanton)

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