Thursday, May 30, 2013

Lost In Publication

It's so easy to get overlooked.

With today's world of e-pub, all those monkeys locked in a room with typewriters can have their random whacking packaged into a .doc file and uploaded in seconds. Throw some poop against the wall, grab a camera, then use Photoshop to turn the artwork into a cover and they've got a book. Paste in a back cover blurb like "Ooo eee, ooo ah ah, ting tang, walla walla bing bang" and it's a global best seller about Monkey Witch Doctors.

Or it could sell five copies (one to the monkey's trainer, three to some missing link relatives, and one to the guy who had to clean the wall).

I've written on this blog in the past few weeks about how this has all been a learning experience. The numbers of promotional choices I've made correctly are far outnumbered by missteps and outright whiffs. But that's what I expected.

While writing my book, ABSOLUTION'S CURSE, I had more false starts than every offensive line in the NFL combined. I can't begin to tell you how many times I've leaned back in my chair, folded my arms, and proclaimed "It's done" only to realize later that "It's not."

But you only get one first book release.

It's something I knew would be a big blind swing in the dark with little chance of connecting but if you never step up to the plate then there's no chance of getting a hit.

(Like that? I snuck in football and baseball references. I'll work on adding basketball, hockey, soccer, and curling later.)

I've remained hesitant to throw cash at advertising, organized twitter campaigns, and other such marketing tools. No need to drain the bank account on a few shotgun attempts when I'm not putting together a full attack.

I tried to look at this as if I were the reader. When I flip through Amazon's pages of available books, I look for three things:

1) A story description that interests me - I believe I have that. It interested me enough to spend large amounts of time researching and writing. It's a story I'd like to read.

2) Reader reviews - I don't believe everything I see but they at least give a glimpse into the story. I'm woefully lacking here. If reviews are a writer's lifeblood then I must be embalmed.

I do have a few copies out for review so hopefully I'll have something soon but I guess I thought Review Ferries would sweep down while I slept, leaving nice 4 or 5 Star evaluations with minimal effort on my part. Big swing and miss.

3) The writer's name - I love reading Stephen King, Dean Koontz, Tom Clancy, etc... Those are names I know. Good or bad, I know what I'm getting.

Something I've learned from the past few months is the amount of wonderful writers out there without easily recognizable names that automatically require a press of the "Buy now with 1-Click" button. I'm vying to join that anonymously talented group.

So I think I have number 1, I'm working on number 2, and know I don't have a snowballs shot in H-E-Double-Hockey-Sticks at number 3. (weak hockey reference)

What's next?

Here's my call to arms for ABSOLUTION'S CURSE. If you like the way I write here, if you follow me on Twitter and think I'm at least one half step above that room full of monkeys, please give the link above a look.

I'll have a giveaway on Goodreads from June 7 through July 7, more details on next week's post.

I'll pick a few upcoming days for free downloads on Kindle and ask nicely for anyone receiving these gifts to leave an honest review to help with number 2 (Reader Reviews, not monkey poop).

All this leads to my next announcement. My second novel, ALWAYS REMEMBER ME, is going to my editor today. My goal is to release it in 4th quarter of this year. I hope to create some momentum in the coming weeks, spring boarding off my unsure efforts for ABSOLUTION'S CURSE.

It will be no slam dunk (basketball) and I'll need to finish a third story to go for the hat-trick (better hockey reference) but I'm going to try.

(The fact that I call it soccer and not football is a giveaway that I'd be faking any terms. I don't have a clue what curling's about except they seem to be awfully interested in cleaning the ice with a broom.)

I offer my heartfelt thank you for your indulgence,

Lance (C.L.) Blanton

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